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Tribe Über Alles

Black Pigeon speaks about the unspeakable….

He makes a lot of interesting points, first and foremost in my mind that a culture of individual meritocracy can only exist in a nation of shared tribal identity. When you are in a multicultural society all of the primary struggles involve conflict between tribes and leave little room for individualism.
Not to defend millennials but I think BPS does them a slight disservice by chalking up their embrace of socialism, communism and fascism to strictly historical ignorance. While their historical ignorance is glaringly obvious, one has to recognize that for that generation the general lie of the idea of “free market capitalism” has been most striking. They have seen it fail and they can perhaps be forgiven for not realizing that the failure of the free market that they observe is the result of the market being anything but free. Little wonder that in the midst of a rigged system where many of them feel hopeless to achieve what older generations took for granted that they are looking for something, anything else. There is something to be said for this, although socialism/communism are not the answer, having been tried and having failed disastrously. 
Tribal identity is the single survival mechanism for the future. An egalitarian fantasy will not end in survival. Without turning to the most fundamental unifier, our blood, there is little hope for making it through the fire that is coming. 


  1. Jim Wetzel

    "Not to defend millennials but I think BPS does them a slight disservice by chalking up their embrace of socialism, communism and fascism to strictly historical ignorance. While their historical ignorance is glaringly obvious, one has to recognize that for that generation the general lie of the idea of 'free market capitalism' has been most striking. They have seen it fail and they can perhaps be forgiven for not realizing that the failure of the free market that they observe is the result of the market being anything but free."

    That's very true, and I will venture to add this. The unrestrained praise — dare I say, even, idolatry? — that the younger folks have heard from both Conservative, Inc. and Libertarian LaLa Land for the Free Market, which is perfect and solves all problems and is an answer to every ill, causes the obvious scent of fresh bullshit to waft into their nostrils. In the fabled free marketplace ("I tell you, it's never been tried!"), real human beings are going to meet and interact. Those humans are made in the image of God, and are capable of much good, but are also fallen and corrupt and fully capable of knifing you in the back.

    I'm in favor of free markets, not because they're a perfect cure-all, but because the alternatives — such as we have now — are much, much worse. What the apologists used to say (and maybe still do) about American duh-mocracy is probably true of free markets: "It's the worst system in the world … except for all the others."

  2. Arthur Sido

    I agree for the most part. The thing to remember is that a free market is useful as far as it serves the needs of the people, not the other way around. It is a tool, a means to an end, but a lot of the free market cultists just assume that a free market always is good for everyone and that just isn't the case.

  3. Zorost

    The problem is one of language. There is no such thing as a 'free market,' we need a term like 'fair market' or similar so that we stop bouncing back and forth between the 2 choices of the false dichotomy that our overlords have set up.

    If there are no laws regulating it, very quickly monopolies and other unfair practices arise to make it a market controlled by the super rich for the benefit of the super rich. If the government can regulate it, then the super rich buy off the government to create regulations for the benefit of the super rich. As with virtually all aspects of society, there are no words that can be written on paper that solves this riddle. What is needed is a unified, moral people who can create a fair system and force it to work against the current of self-interest that harms the community as a whole.

    Which is precisely why certain self-interested groups that don't mind harming the community as a whole started importing turd world savages about 60 years ago.

  4. Wyomarine

    It's always been a rigged game with insider trading.
    My mother worked in Zurich Switzerland and the Beverly Hills Stock Exchanges in the 1950's-60's, even then she said it all operated on "hot air", it did whatever they wanted it to do.
    Our greatest enemy is ignorance and gullibility, folks believe whatever the media tells them and never question it for a second, they don't seem to care they're misled and dumbed down. Until that is fixed you can't expect things to get better.

  5. Bear Claw Chris Lapp

    The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of "Men who wanted to be left Alone".

    They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.

    They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.

    They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over.

    The moment the "Men who wanted to be left Alone" are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. . . .

    "Without turning to the most fundamental unifier, our blood, there is little hope for making it through the fire that is coming"

    Arthur that is why the when a few months ago when I came across the below quote it awakened a thought in my soul how accurate it may be. May God have mercy on all of us because none of us want to lose who we are.

    Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these "Men who wanted to be left Alone", fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears.
    Of unknown origin.

  6. Bear Claw Chris Lapp

    Sorry pasted in wrong order this should have been at the top.

    "Without turning to the most fundamental unifier, our blood, there is little hope for making it through the fire that is coming"

    Arthur that is why the when a few months ago when I came across the below quote it awakened a thought in my soul how accurate it may be. May God have mercy on all of us because none of us want to lose who we are.

  7. NorthGunner

    As long as the Hu-lemmings are all fat, entertained and kept generally dumb, they will be happy..well, as long as the pizzas are delivered quickly enough, their sportsball via 'pay-per-view' is delivered by the magic tal-mud-o-vision without interruptions or 'technical difficulties' and Daddygov promises to protect them from the evvviiil killer covid bug..High Priest of 'The Science' Fauchi wouldn't lie!!

    It's why they're happy to be g. pigs for the jab,
    nevermind the consequences personally.

    And they hate and fear anything or anyone that in the
    slightest would perturb if not dislocate and upset
    their ongoing comfort and 'good times'.

    They're so thoroughly indoctrinated and propagandized
    by the parasitic ruling class that they are incapable
    of recognizing that they have been led by the nose
    by them since they were in diapers..just like their
    parents before them in most cases.

    And that's how the parasitic ruling class like
    it and want it to remain..until they've sucked
    every useful thing and resource lamprey like
    from America and then decamp to another place
    to do it all over again..and again..and again…

    Blood and soil folks..blood and soil.

    NorthGunner – The Truth Is It's OWN Defense!

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