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The Ammo Situation Keeps Improving

Ammo prices keep sliding and availability is getting much better. It is in stock lots of places and you are starting to see the words “ammo” and “on sale” in the same sentence again. As has been the case, steel is far more available than brass and while I don’t normally run steel in my guns, it works in a pinch. Lots of Steel .223 for under $.40 like this from SG Ammo

For the math challenged like me, that is $385 shipped for 1000 rounds, or $.38 per round. That is closer to what it should be, which would be well under $.30/round shipped. Brass case ammo is still above $.50, there seems to be some real hesitation at being the first to drop below fiddy cent per round but I think it will get below that threshold and then we might see a big drop across the board. Some of the brands that consider themselves to be premier brands, like Federal, have their .223 for sale still near or at a buck a round but that will probably change soon.
Other popular calibers are doing the same, 6.5 Creedmoor is available again for under $2/round but I am waiting until it drops below a buck again. Brass 9mm is in the mid $.30 a few places that look to have higher shipping costs but lots in the mid $.40 range. .45 ACP, the caliber that single-handedly won two World War cuz stahping powah! is hovering at slightly below to slightly above $.50 round. Some of the popular hunting calibers like 30-06 and .308 are getting better as well and the various hollow-point defensive rounds are really coming down. 
Guns are doing great, lots of variety in stock from my distributors. My best distributor during most of the last 9-12 months had one or two weird handguns available to buy direct online but yesterday they had 65 pistols to choose from, including a whole bunch from Smith &Wesson in some of their most popular models. They even have a bunch of AR-15s in stock, right online. I haven’t see that….well I have never seen that since we got our license. They actually have over 100 Colt carbines which is pretty tempting. Pieces and parts like complete uppers and lowers are available lots of places and that is a great way to get a new AR and save some money versus buying an already put together rifle. 
That all might change in a big hurry so keep watching and be ready to jump when the prices are right.

1 Comment

  1. Great Scott

    I've noticed this as well. I've consistently bought more every month regardless but the drop in price is noticeable. I've been stocking up for years so I figured it is dollar cost averaging.

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