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Hot Times For The Homies

Time for the Monday round-up of the weekend’s violence.

As expected things are back to normal in Chicago. Warm weather and clear skies = guns a’blazing. According to Heyjackass! the Windy City saw a more expected weekend of shootings….

63 shot, 5 dead. Compare that to the same weekend dates in prior years and it is a big jump, even from last year with “only” 43 shot and 2019 with 47 shot. The marksmanship isn’t getting any better. I am not sure what happened in 2018, while there were just 40 people shot, 10 died. A 3-1 wound/kill ratio is pretty unusual. Regardless, it was a very violent weekend in Chicago, aided by an 8 person mass shooting…
No description of the shooter. Meanwhile Chicago is up to 558 carjackings for the year and of course the two all-important metrics from Heyjackass! 

17 people shot in the junk this year already. Maybe the homies can skip another gold tooth and get a holster? Or at least learn to not grab the trigger when hiking up their saggy pants?
Chicago was of course not alone in having a violent weekend. 
The local news interviewed the man who organized the party, targeted at “teens”, who seems shocked that a large gathering of black teens resulted in gun fire. Who saw that coming?

This genius has a party with minimal adult supervision, aimed at “teens” that apparently was going on late at night. The party turns into a shooting gallery so of course he wants to have another party when “things settle down”. Shrewd move Leo!
Then we move to Miami, hard on the heels of Chicago as our leading urban warzone.
Reports as of this morning are saying 9 total shot in the drive-by, 3 dead including one Tyleisha Taylor who was a corrections officer.
This didn’t happen over the weekend but still warrants notice….

NEW: We’ve obtained surveillance video of the brutal assault. It shows the large man getting out of his car, walking up to the woman as she pumps gas, then, without provocation, he sucker punches her in the face and continues to beat her on the ground. She was hospitalized.

— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) June 4, 2021

Big black guy, little woman, knocks her down and then continues to beat her to a pulp. I don’t understand how she just stood staring at the pump while a shirtless lardass strolls right up to her before popping her. This is why so many of us talk about situational awareness, if you see someone fitting that description walking directly toward you, you should be prepared to defend yourself or flee but getting popped in the head while you aren’t paying attention is a great way to end up in the hospital or morgue. 

Wherever you look, the story is the same and promises to get worse as the summer approaches. 


  1. jl

    I guess their fellow tribesmen in Oakland need to pick up their pace, they only logged their 50th and 51st homicides this weekend. Last year they didn't hit 50 'til early August so they're certainly showing signs of improvement. The good news is the latest "victims" were both 17, so they got taken out of the talent pool before going pro. I'd really like to see these "people" start a league like the NBA, where they can can square off with each other for braggin' rights and street cred. Put it on Pay per View to help fund "social justice" programs for the yoofs.

  2. 4hawks

    He needed a episode of Mozambique Drill. You would present yourself well Arthur, cause you just don't see instantaneous going on the offensive much ( probably some kinda media subterfuge) and it would work cause of white on rice. 🙂

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