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One More On Waco

Remember kids, all this talk about gun confiscation is just fear mongering from right wing White supremacist domestic terrorists. The government would never do anything like that…


  1. Anonymous

    Quick hypothetical question, Arthur, since you seem to be one in the know…

    How would a person who is changing residences transport a personally-owned long rifle from one state (say, a blue one) to another state (say, a red one) without risking legal troubles? Specifically if said rifle is at present unknown to authorities?

    Asking for a friend.

  2. Arthur Sido

    Generally speaking as long as the rifle is in a case and unloaded you should be OK (I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice). For example you can even concealed carry in your car in an anti-gun state like Illinois: "Non-residents may transport a loaded concealed handgun in a vehicle if they are in possession of a valid CCW permit from their home state. "


    Unless you are driving through a municipality like New York City you will be fine if you have the rifle cased and unloaded. I would check specifically about the state you are going through though.

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