For most people today is the first day of February, a day that dawned here in northeastern Indiana with around 8-9″ of snow on the ground. It finally looks like winter!
For the woke among us, today marks the first day of black history month, a 28 day celebration of black history. With each passing year the celebration of black history by globalist corporations gets more over the top and ridiculous. I was reminded of this right out of the gate this morning as Youtube has slapped a black history month icon next to the Youtube logo:
Stunning. Brave.
As is always the case, the more you need to remind someone of how important your contributions have been, the more likely it is that they were not that important after all and in some cases, like this one, have actual been a detriment.
Had the early settlers not brought slaves to North America, the cotton would have still been picked. Perhaps by Eastern European indentured servants or perhaps even by Chinese but it would have been picked. However there would not have been decades of political strife that culminated in the Civil War, where between 600,000 and 700,000 Americans died on American soil. After the Civil War, the American homeland has been almost entirely free of the direct impact of war with the exception of Pearl Harbor in 1941 and 9/11. The 20th century in the U.S. was marked by race riots and strife over civil rights. From the 1980s and the crack wars to present day with record breaking black violence, the history of blacks in America has been marked mainly by poverty, dependence and violence. Not without many exceptions of course, no one would argue that, but as a whole the contribution of the black community to American history has been overwhelmingly negative. It would be laughable to argue that America would not be better off today had Africans never been brought to our shores.
Saying that runs contrary to the endless “America was built on the backs of African slaves” nonsense that permeates social media and causes one to be labeled “racist” but that doesn’t change anything.
I don’t object as such to blacks remembering famous and noteworthy blacks in American history, of which there are many. What is grating is that we are forced by soulless corporate marketers to perform collective oblations to the contributions of blacks while we are told that we may never, ever point out the negatives that outweigh the positives.
An honest assessment and recollection is always preferable to one that is shrouded in mythology. I contend that many of the problems of the black community are perpetual precisely because blacks are not permitted a frank and open discussion about their history and their problems. White Americans are endlessly presented with a litany of abuses we are guilty of, often even when those abuses happened long before we were born or even before our ancestors landed on these shores. It is high time that black history month include the same sort of penetrating and often uncomfortable examination that the rest of us are faced with all year.
"It is high time that black history month include the same sort of penetrating and often uncomfortable examination that the rest of us are faced with all year."
If only… This will never, ever happen in this country. Don't you know, showing them their faults will give them low self esteem, which would be racist, of course. Following rules "made by whites" would be cultural appropriation, and we know how strongly they stand against that crime!
The whole thing is turning into the Land of Make Believe- we make believe their contributions are much more valuable than they actually are, and we make believe that the current state of affairs are only peaceful protests over the injustices we imposed upon them. In return they make believe that they'll stop trying to grind us into a fine paste if we just prostrate ourselves to their "just" humanity and, you know, give them everything they ask for, in perpetuity. Thats all we have to do. Then, they'll know "justice" and we'll know "peace"! Sounds super!!
**sarcasm setting off now**
It is little wonder that race relations are in such a dire condition when we are faced with the cognitive dissonance of saying on the one hand "black folk built America" and then the daily reality that black folks are mostly a net negative on America.