Poor Nick Cannon. He must be new around here. Life comes at you pretty fast when you mention The Chosen Peopleā¢. Shot… Chaser… I see…
The Joe Biden campaign (not to be confused with Joe Biden who is locked in a trunk in his basement like the Gimp) has been…
America in 2020 is like a man laying face-down in the street in some downtown urban area. Having been repeatedly bashed in the head, America…
The national Libertarian Party is in ideological free-fall. It wasn’t bad enough that their nominee for President, Jo Jorgensen, and her imbecilic running mate “Spike…
Here is an interesting news story from Madison, Wisconsin…. Why would I find that story interesting you might wonder? It is interesting for a couple…
Things in the ammunition market, especially for the most popular ammo, are pretty dire right now. I have been trying to get more 9mm ammo…
To piggyback on my post yesterday about dissenting voices being systematically suppressed in America, Dissent Will Not Be Tolerated, along comes something I have been…
The social media Stasi got another one last night…. Stefan Molyneux styled himself a philosopher. I guess he was. My idea of a professional philosopher…
Oh Bubba Smollett. Have you no shame? Hoax “hate crimes” have a predictable pattern. Some poor person-of-color, not to be confused with a colored person,…
Finally someone other than me says it: Atlanta mayor calls for citizens to stop ‘shooting each other’ after murder of 8-year-old near BLM protest siteIn…