As mass shooting occurred on Wednesday, March 4th, in Tulare, California. No, I hadn’t heard of it either. It is located in the Central Valley of California, about equidistant from L.A. and San Francisco. The population is almost 60% mestizo.
People were apparently gathered at a “celebration of life” for someone recently deceased. There is no mention I can find of who it was for but some of the local details certainly give the impression that it might have been someone affiliated with a gang who died in a car accident. From the Visalia Times Delta:
Tulare mass shooting: Man killed in gunfire identified by police
An eyewitness at the scene says the gunfire erupted during a celebration of life event held in an apartment complex. The event was held for a person recently killed in a traffic collision, according to police.
Multiple people at the party were seen on Snapchat, a video sharing application, drinking, throwing up gang signs and dancing on the hoods and roofs of cars in the parking lot. Several children can be seen walking around as adults party.
Some of them were wearing red, a color that represents the NorteƱo street gangs that run under the Nuestra Familia prison gang.
The witness said at least one gunman walked up to the gathering in an apartment and began pulling the trigger. The type of gun used wasn’t immediately known.
This Nuestra Familia gang, “Our Family” in Spanish, is a Mexican prison gang that apparently is some sort of umbrella organization for drug trafficking both in and out of prison.
The shooting resulted in six people being shot, one fatally, a black man named Demetrius Perry-Jones. One of the wounded is a 7 year old girl who was shot 7 times. Nice shooting dumbass. No word as to why a 7 year old girl was at a party with adults drinking and dancing on cars at 10:20 at night on a Wednesday.
Two days later and there is next to no information about the shooter, and news reports suggest people are not forthcoming with information, either from fear of retaliation or out of the expectation of exacting revenge personally.
Paging Dr. Memory Hole….