First watch this video from Mark Dice, featuring Don Lemonhead, Rick Wilson and Wajahat Ali.
Hey, why doesn’t anyone watch CNN?
Then read this tweet.
So Mr. Ali goes on CNN and laughs uproariously at and participates in weasel Rick Wilson’s childish mocking of Trump voters as uneducated buffoons while Don Lemon loses it, collapsing in a puddle like a girl, which makes sense since he likes having sex with other men. Then he gets triggered about Trump tweeting a clip of what he did on a national news show because now his friends are concerned about his safety. If I walk up to Conor McGregor and slap him in the face and then he beats the piss out of me, I am not the victim in that scenario.
The irony of him talking about other people crying “fake victimhood” after his behavior on CNN was rebroadcast is pretty rich, although to be fair a video clip tweeted by Trump certainly gets more viewers than Don Lemon’s show on CNN.
I wonder if I did a bit mocking Pakistani people for their accent and general lack of hygiene and civilization, would Mr. Ali find it as “harmless, silly”?
This is the latest occurrence of someone who utterly lacks a shred of gratitude. According to Mr. Ali’s website, his family moved here from Pakistan.
Pakistan is a cesspool of Islamic fundamentalism, a backwards pit of a nation full of people just like Mr. Ali. On lists of per capita GDP, Pakistan comes in right below such advanced nations as Ghana, Nigeria and Samoa. The average per capita GDP in Pakistan is well under $6,000 annually. In other words, Pakistan is one of those nations President Trump referred to as a shithole. So his family flees the aforementioned shithole full of 200 million people like Mr. Ali’s family and comes to America, full of people like me. Upon arriving here, he received a great education paid for by people like me and then has apparently become quite successful thanks to the economic freedom won for him by people like me.
Mr. Ali then proceeds to crap all over the very people who gave his family shelter so they could flee from a country full of people like him and then has the audacity to say this on his website:
Good thing he didn’t exhibit any bigotry, fear or harmful stereotypes when he engaged in some good-natured bigoted stereotyping of white people he clearly fears. I guess the kind of mockery and stereotyping he was doing is OK because it was aimed at bad white people instead of noble brown people, the kind of noble brown people his family fled.
The audacity and arrogance of these people is breathtaking. His people didn’t make this country the sort of place people want to move to, my people did. America was great long before 1965 when we started letting people like Wajahat Ali into the country so they could make fun of us for being saps and rubes.
Although, come to think of it, we kind of are saps and rubes for believing people like Wajahat Ali had anything to offer America other than being big city cab drivers and 7/11 owners.
Maybe we should stop importing people who hate us and do nothing but take from what we have built?
They want to tear it down precisely because they didn't build it. It bothers them because of that simple fact.
Envy is a harsh mistress.